Clover Creek Apartments
Project Basics:
- Location: Jerome, Idaho
- Number of units: 22
- Year completed: 2009
- Cost of construction: $819,430
- Total development cost: $1,594,366
Major challenges:
- Paved walkways were not accessible
- No accessible units
- Landscaping was overgrown and there was no sprinkler system
- No recreational opportunities were available for children on-site
- Office was make-shift addition to an existing unit, not fully accessible
- Construction a new, fully-accessible office
- Made two units fully accessible
- Replaced landscaping and installed underground automatic sprinkler system
- Replaced paved pathways with concrete sidewalks and made site fully accessible
- Replaced counter tops, floor coverings, blinds, appliances & re-painted all units
- Installed new accessible playground
- Installed new metal roof
- Re-paved parking lot