Riverbend Court Apartments
Project Basics:
- Location: Fruitland, Idaho
- Number of units: 40
- Completed 2011
- Cost of construction: $2,098,070
- Total development cost: $4,086,671
- Made two units fully accessible
- Constructed new, fully-accessible office and laundry
- Replaced landscaping and installed underground automatic sprinkler system
- Modified sidewalks so site is accessible and re-paved parking lot
- Replaced counter tops, floor coverings, blinds, appliances (Energy Star) & re-painted all units
- Replaced all sinks, faucets & water heaters (Energy Star)
- Replaced windows with high performance vinyl windows
- Replaced siding with insulation backed vinyl siding
- Installed new metal roof
- Constructed new, accessible playground
- Installed solar water heating system for laundry & office